Saturday, May 9, 2009

Press Release: "We have the power to change it NOW and we WILL!"

Concerned citizens of Vaughan start petition drive demanding that the Minister of Municipal Affairs perform a provincial audit of the city’s finances!
For Immediate Release:
May 9th, 2009: Citizen’s of Vaughan will no longer tolerate the behavior of the current local government that has brought this great city much public humiliation. The shocking revelations as to how our elected members of Council and senior staff have conducted the business of our city and the way they’ve misused and mismanaged the taxpayer’s funds entrusted to them for their own personal gain has many citizens outraged. These actions have tarnished the reputation of the City of Vaughan.
Vaughan citizens should not tolerate patience for these activities. It is time to accelerate the process and take matters to the next level. The cooperation and support of all Vaughan citizens is needed to begin this process to demand that the Municipal Affairs Minister (Mr. Jim Watson) performs a financial audit.
“We have the power to change it NOW and we WILL!” We are taking back our city and welcome all concerned to take part and help in the process of marking this historic time. We should no longer fear our local government, but show our elected officials that this is our city and we want it run properly. And one day we should be able to take pride again, knowing our local government serves the people with respect and integrity.
For further information on how you can sign this petition or volunteer in our efforts, please contact Residents interested in signing the petition may do so online at All media please refer to or e-mail


  1. Please advise who leads your group. As a blogger on Richard Lorello's site, I at least know who is heading the group. Who are you?

  2. Yes who are the founders of this group.

  3. I've checked out the online petition that they refer to above in their post.

    Great petition! At this point, it really doesn't matter to me who's behind this petition. What the petition is requesting from the Minister Jim Watson is so true. We do need an audit of the city's finances.

    We need to know where the taxpayers funds are being spent. We can no longer trust the councillors or senior staff, especially since they have openly admitted to approving expense claims without receipts.

    The residents deserve to have answers. And the minister has an responsibility to ensure that our city is being run accountably! He has to stop ignoring what has been in the press for the last several years and start doing something for the residents of this city!

    We should all sign the petition and send the link to your family and friends that live in vaughan to sign as well.

  4. Unfortunately, you lose all credit when you do not stand for your beliefs. This blog could very well be headed by Mario Racco, in his bid to become Mayor. Could be DiBiase & supporters, That 'couple', who are known to now have switched allegiances to DiBiase or anyone who promises them power and positions. They are also cursed with the desire to bring down anyone, and embrace vengeance at all cost (as long as their friends pay)

    Could it be a certain someone who likes to write to the editor of local papers? This persons allegiances change like the wind. Loves vengeance, is sue-happy and now, feeling slighted by those on Council, this person, who used to do secret little deals with DiBiase & Council, now is vengeful. Things didn't go well when the person's applications were denied.


    could be Council themselves. Wanting to know who is against them.

    If there are no names attached tp this petition, then I urge people not to sign, be cautious. Do not sign until the manufacturers of the petition identify themselves.

    Beware. Do not make promises to these people, they are vipers, they are in it for themselves..

  5. To those that have posted above. Thank you for your interest. I want to make one thing clear.

    I’m doing this because, like many of you, I’m tired of all the nonsense. I’m tired of the scandals, I’m tired of the bad press. I have dedicated more than twenty five years to my community and to my City. I’m doing this because I believe it is the right thing to do. I am and will remain above the factions that unfortunately exist. I do not nor will I side with one group or the other. The good name of my City, the pride of its people are too important. I have never been manipulated nor will I ever manipulate people in order to reach Lord knows what. In various forums the need for a massive overhaul has been discussed, this I believe is our chance to do it. So please everyone, set your differences aside and for once let us do what is right for Vaughan.

  6. I respect Nick Pinto for his courage to stand up and tell it like it is, with or without the support of others. We need more people like Nick to stand up and take back the our great city. Politicians shouldn't be destroying the image of our city. It will take people like Nick Pinto to help bring back transparency and accountability.
    Vaughan Deserves Better
