Monday, May 11, 2009

Who is "Saving Vaughan"?

To All Concerned Citizens of Vaughan, I apologize for not providing you with the face or name behind this movement. I assure you that it was not done intentionally and I honestly did not anticipate so much hesitation. My name is Nick Pinto and I am leading a group of fellow concerned citizens across the city of Vaughan. As stated in the previous post, due to the recent shocking revelations as to how our elected members of Council and Senior Staff have conducted the business of this city and for the way they’ve misused and mismanaged the taxpayer’s funds entrusted to them. These actions have tarnished the reputation of the City of Vaughan and have brought this great city much public humiliation. “Saving Vaughan” has kicked off a petition drive demanding that the Minister of Municipal Affairs (Mr. Jim Watson) perform a provincial audit of the city finances. And they’re hoping that you will put pen to action and do the right thing. “We have the power to change it NOW and we WILL!
The petition is available for all residents online at For those who would like to sign the petition in person please contact for further information on where you can sign the petition. If you would like to help with our effors and want to volunteer for signature collection please do not hesitate to contact us. "Saving Vaughan" is asking that you forward the links to this blog and the petition and help spread the word to all your family and friends of Vaughan and encourage them to make a difference.


  1. Thank you Nick

  2. Hi Nick,

    Great petition!

  3. I say thank you to Nick Pinto as well for this petition. The City of vaughan (Council and staff) have blacklisted and gone after individual citzens, businessmen and developers who knowinglytry and bring chnage that would ultimately, hurt current councillors' chances of reelection. How are we, the average business people and residents of Vaugha assured that we will not be subject to retirbution from Vaughan council and their crony staff?

  4. I would like to sign this petition. Most Vaughan Councillors should go. Signing this may mean retribution which could ultimately bring harrassment and costs to the average Vaughan taxpayer. I am truly in fear of signing this great cause. Vaughan council will blacklist the signers i am afraid. The real mafia works at Keele and Major Mac. I'm afraid.

  5. I was in a room several year ago with then Mayor DiBiase, several of the current councillors and most of Vaughan's Commissioners and directors. I sat there and listened to DiBiase threaten me and my livelihood if I tried to appeal a particular item that I was concerned over. This culture of threats and bullying continues to this day at Vaughan. They have all the money (from taxpayers) to do whatever they think that they can get away with. Complain and you're finished doing business in Vaughan.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Nick, good work. I've sent emails to McGuinty, Watson, Sorbara, Shurman, Hillier etc. regarding the crisis in Vaughan several times. No response. I'm glad to see that finally, maybe "somebody" (according to newspaper) will investigate. The total regional and city council should be immediately turffed and replaced by the Provincial Government and Ombudsman's office to govern the City of Vaughan and review the past questionable operation until all allegations and queries are resolved. It appears as if certain developers, not council has been operating Vaughan. And, it is not only our regional and city councillors that have "let us down" but the provincial government as well.

  8. So it looks like Mr. Pinto and his team are selectively removing blog posts they don't feel "mesh" with their objectives. So tell me,is that how you will try and run Vaughan when you want? Whatever happened to free speech?

  9. Anonymous above ...

    How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have. They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech. ~Soren Kierkegaard (Danish philosopher and writer)

    I would really rather hear your thoughts on whether or not you support this petition?

    Myself, as a tax payer in this city, I'm quite fed up hearing how this council has misused my hard earned dollars! Especially when they are being reimbursed for expenses without providing proper receipts!

  10. Nick, I agree with Anonymous two above - you and your friends are doing good work.

    We've been ignored way too long and someone has to do something really fast. This council doesn't know how to run a city and hopefully people will realize this in the next election and turf them all out.

  11. I cannot in clear conscience support a petition where all the leads are not publicly named and that the list of signatories is not disclosed. There seems to be too much secrecy to give it validity. Should those items change then perhaps I'd change my position. But if the argument is to prevent everything to be discussed in the City in secrecy, the way this is handled needs to be done properly.

  12. Anonymous above ...

    Did you not read the post? Nick Pinto is leading this petition along with a group of concerned residents. And the same statement was in the Vaughan Citizen - there is no secrecy.

    As for the list of signatures not being disclosed - they're also going door to door collecting signatures and those signatures are not being made public so I don't see why those online should be.

    The important thing here is the petition itself. It is a step in the right direction. All Nick Pinto and his group are doing is bringing attention to the how this council and senior staff have misused and mismanagement the taxpayers monies and asking the Minister of Municipal Affairs to step in and perform an audit.

    As a fellow citizen to another fellow citizen, I understand why your skeptical about supporting this petition; however, I really encourage you sign the petition. It's about standing up for our right to a responsible and honest government!

  13. This is an urgent appeal to all those that truly want to see the gang dismantled and some dignity back to Vaughan.
    Now, more than ever, it is important we roll up our sleeves and help out with Saving Vaughan’s petition which, in its initial stage but four times the minimum requirement, was read in the House yesterday. The government complained that it was too long. Nothing, I say, compared to the scandals in Vaughan that every major news paper in the country has written about. Also we need to show the government that the numbers are not limited to the usual 6 or 7 loud mouths in the City as stated by someone at the City Hall. We are in the hundreds by now. We need to get to the thousands and we need to do it A.S.A.P.. We need everyone out there to help. Set up a stand in a busy place if you need to, go door to door or simply get on the phone or your computer and pass on the news and the site.
    This is one action that can’t be abandoned. Never have we, as residents, come this far in reclaiming our City and we just can’t stop now.

    The Rope Man
