Saturday, August 8, 2009

City of Vaughan - Ward Boundary By-Law OMB Appeal

Recently, the City of Vaughan passed a Ward Boundary By-Law 89-2009, based on a review that was commenced by city councillors and staff prior to 2006. On May 5th, 2009, City of Vaughan council voted to pass the by-law which is for a system of five wards with re-aligned boundaries. Ms. Lucia Milani, a long-time resident of Vaughan has now challenged the ward boundary by-law at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The review and potential ward boundary configurations were all performed by city staff and council members were able to submit their own configurations and comments during the process. One public meeting took place where those in attendance were not allowed to voice their concerns or comments. Instead they were given markers and were asked to write comments on the various configuration maps made available. Very minimal public input was implemented into the process. Staff and council’s involvement should have been limited to just providing the data and the logistics for the review and an independent consultant should have been hired to conduct the review. Key stakeholder and stakeholder groups such as: ratepayers associations and business improvement associations across the City of Vaughan should have been invited to participate. “Saving Vaughan” believes that a ward boundary review should not have been taken so lightly and that the process should have had more of a broader public input from beginning to end. A ward boundary change should not have been made with extensive involvement from councillors. All members of council have a vested interest in the outcome … even if they knew 100 per cent for sure they will not be running. In order for the new Ward Boundary By-Law to be in effect in time for the next municipal election in the fall of 2010, the OMB must make a written decision by December 31st, 2009.


  1. The city has kept this issue as the "best kept secret in town". Given the apetite for keeping secrets, this is really saying something. The OMB hearing is open to the public (all residents of Vaughan) and participation status costs NOTHING. Register to become a participant. Follow this blog for information on how to regsiter as a participant.

  2. To the moderators of this blog. While the process may have been flawed for the ward boundaries can you clarify if Ms. Milani was actually a part of the citizen process at the time? If not, it makes you question why she took the step now.

  3. I'm not the moderator of this blog.

    But I have a question for Anonymous above ....

    What citizen process?

  4. The citizen process was the forum/open house/feedback on the election boundaries.

  5. Anonymous above,

    You're confusing me ... forum/open house/feedback?

    Are you referring to the one public meeting that the city held where no one was allowed to voice their comments, concerns or suggestions?

    Why would you even question whether or not she was part of it? Any person and/or agency may appeal to the OMB when they have an objection to the municipal by-law. You said so yourself, that the process may have been flawed - you could of even filed an appeal at the OMB.

  6. Let me say that Ms. Milani, as a citizen, has every right to appeal to the OMB and the fact that she can afford it helps.
    What is strange in this situation is the City’s contempt for the most basic rules in informing the residents of any OMB proceedings involving the City itself. Not only are we living in “the City above the Law” we are in what seems to be “no Law-land”.

  7. Anonymous above ... very well said!

    We are definitely lucky that we have residents who can afford to challenge the city - can you imagine if we didn't have those residents? This city is already a laughing stock and it could be a lot worse without them.

  8. Any information available yet on the first OMB hearing for Milani vs. City of Vaughan?

  9. Do any of you know when the OMB hearing is taking place? I heard it was in the next couple of weeks.
